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Treadmaster 2 Part Epoxy Marine Adhesive - 600g

Treadmaster 2 Part Epoxy Marine Adhesive - 600g



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Treadmaster 2 Part Epoxy Marine Adhesive - 600g. 

This two pack epoxy adhesive is designed to provide the ultimate in bonding performance. Ideal for use on a wide range of deck materials, it provides a bond which is suitable for the most arduous of conditions.
Instructions for use (2 Pack Epoxy)
One complete pack is sufficient for one full 1200 x 900 mm sheet of Treadmaster. If smaller quantity is required, Part A and Part B should be mixed in equal amounts.
Surface preparation
Surfaces must be clean, dry and free from oil and grease. Existing paint, vanish, waxes, polishes, etc., must be removed. Fiberglass, aluminium and steel surfaces should be lightly abraded with a nylon scouring pad and all dust removed.
Prepare the Treadmaster and deck before mixing the resine. Transfer the contents of container B into container A and mix thoroughly until the colour is consistent throughout the mix.
Once mixed, the adhesive must be used without delay - under average environmental conditions a pot life of 20 minutes in the tin can be expected. Spreading the adhesive on to a flat plate after mixing will extend the useful pot life by helping to dissipate heat generated by the curing reaction.
The adhesive should not be used when ambient temperatures are below 10°C or above 30°C. Immediately after use, clean tools, mixing vessels, brushes, etc. with methylated spirit
Apply adhesive using a serrated scraper, to the underside of the Treadmaster and to the surface to which it is to be bonded. Position the Treadmaster and carefully roll from centre to edge, apply pressure to consolidate the adhesive layers, ensuring that no air is trapped between the surfaces.
Where possible, adhesive should be allowed to extrude between the edges of adjacent mats, to give a positive seal against ingress of water. Excess adhesive should be wiped off promptly with methylated spirit. Depending on environmental conditions the adhesive will begin to set in 2 - 4 hours and full strength will be achieved after 24 hours.
Alt Ref: AF-5-61060
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